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Aluminum caps
Screw Caps - Stelvin

Screw Capas - Stelvin

Screw Capas - Stelvin



• Guaranteed STELVIN® quality: the world standard since 1964
• Easy to open, close, reopen, store and transport
• A large selection of liners tailored to preserve freshness, flavors and aromas
• Exclusive printing and finishing options, including Soft-Touch
• Produced in Chile with Mercosur benefits
• Possibility of fractional loads to Brazil via Road (truck)
• Minimum purchase lot: 1 pallet
• Enobrasil advisory on head adjustment


Screw Cap Stelvin: Elegance, exclusive design, with its smoothest opening and its unrivaled premium design. The best ally there is for your crops.
Lids with textures and in various colors to offer a premium look to your wines!
By reducing spoilage, the screw cap prevents waste and therefore offers environmental benefits when compared to other closures.
Screw Cap Stelvin®P withstands up to 6 bars of pressure. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.


• Stelvin®: original screw cap, printed on top and skirt
• Stevin® +: embossed top with or without printing. No ink overlay on skirt
• Stelvin® Lux: plastic insert in aluminum housing
• Stelvin® Lux+: combination of Stelvin®+ and Stelvin® Lux design features plastic insert