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Transfer Pumps
Bomba Peristáltica

Bomba peristáltica - PEV 700

Bomba peristáltica - PEV 700 FINAME

Peristaltic pump - PEV 700

High versatility in transferring products: must, still or sparkling wine, whole or de-stemmed grapes
Enoveneta offers a wide range of peristaltic pumps capable of adapting to all types of needs and requirements. All PEV peristaltic pumps are manufactured entirely from AISI 304 stainless steel, are equipped with one or two rotors with rollers mounted on bearings, and are equipped with: electrical panel with reverse, electronic speed variator, expansion tank and self-supporting cart in AISI 304 stainless steel. PEV peristaltic pumps, with capacities ranging from 6 to 56 ton/h, are available with or without a hopper.


PEV 700

  • Trolley and pump body in AISI 304 stainless steel
  • Double rotor with three rollers mounted on bearings
  • Food Compliant Rubber Peristaltic Tube with TCA-TBA and FDA Certification
  • Double expansion tank
  • Capacity up to 700 hl/h