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Caps+ Labelling

Atlas M - Monobloco Automático

Atlas M - Monobloco Automático

The automatic monoblock ATLAS series was designed to develop the steps of:

. Scolmatura ;
. Liquor dosage ( syrup ) ;
. Levelling with wine.

The monoblocco 1-6-6 consists of a single scolmatura station and two rotating towers ( equipped with 6 points of work) for the estimation of liquor and leveling with wine.
The monblocco 6-9-9 consists of three rotating tower , a tower to the craft phase , another scolmatura tower equipped with 6 working points , one for dispensing of liquor and another tower for leveling with wine , each of them endowed with 9 points work.
The equipment of the ATLAS series are rotary and predisposed to fully automatic operation , adaptable to all production demand ; they are designed to be inserted into an automated production line.
All parts are manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304 with material intended for food use.


Monoblocco 1-6-6

Monoblocco 6-9-9

Tipo de Garrafa




1400 Kg

1900 Kg


1.000 garrafas por hora

1.800 garrafas por hora


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